Thursday 30 July 2015

Israel authorizes force-feeding of hunger-striking prisoners

"JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's parliament authorized on Thursday the force-feeding of prisoners on hunger strike, a move that has met vehement opposition from the country's medical association and rights groups.

"But Israel's Medical Association, which considers force- feeding a form of torture and medically risky, has urged Israeli doctors not to abide by the law.

"In the West Bank, Qadoura Fares, chairman of the Palestinian Prisoners Club that advocates for Palestinians jailed by Israel, denounced the law as a product of a "racist and fascist" government.
Physicians for Human Rights-Israel called the law shameful.

"It pushes the medical community to severely violate medical ethics for political gains, as was done in other dark regimes in history," the group said in a statement, urging the doctors "to refuse to serve as a fig leaf for torture". News Link

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