Tuesday 31 March 2015

Free Speech in Israel

Freedom of speech and the state of Israel

"It has become the norm in Europe and the US for any adverse comment about Israel, however mild, to evoke a ferocious counterattack from pro-Israel groups. The fear of provoking these intimidatory reactions has prompted a widespread pre-emptive self-censorship with regard to anything Israeli or Jewish among individuals and organisations seeking to avoid them." News Link

Israel court okays Charlie Hebdo distribution for vote 

"We will not surrender, and we will publish whatever we like, whenever we like," Lieberman said. News Link

New 'Daily Show' host in storm over 'racist, sexist' jokes

"In one post from 2009, Noah appears to take aim at the Holocaust..."

"Jamie Weinstein, an editor with the Daily Caller, suggested Noah's tweet about Israel "does seem to suggest that Noah believes Israel is an inherently belligerent country..."

"We hope that he will not cross the line from legitimate satire into offensiveness with jokes calling up anti-Semitic stereotypes and misogyny," Foxman added, urging Noah to avoid "bigoted jokes" targeting Jews..." News Link

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