Sunday 31 May 2015

Israel moves to toughen sentences for stone-throwers

"But far-right politician Ayelet Shaked, Israel's new justice minister, complained that far lighter punishment would probably be handed down because of the difficulty of proving such intent, especially in cases of stone-throwing in mass street protests." News Link

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Netanyahu offers to resume peace talks with settlement focus, official says

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed resuming peace negotiations with the Palestinians but with the initial focus on identifying those Jewish settlements that Israel would keep and be allowed to expand, an Israeli official said on Tuesday.

A Western diplomat described Netanyahu's proposal as creating "the illusion of progress".

"Netanyahu was trying to show that he is committed to peace and ready for negotiations, but he knows the Palestinians would never agree to begin on this basis," the diplomat said. News Link

Saturday 23 May 2015

Israel thanks U.S. for blocking Mideast nuclear arms ban at U.N.

"UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the United States for blocking an Egyptian-led drive on a possible Middle East nuclear weapons ban at a major United Nations conference, an Israeli official said on Saturday." News Link

Friday 22 May 2015

New messianic message for Israel diplomats

"A top Israeli diplomat, in a video seen by AFP on Friday, has instructed envoys to quote the Bible as giving Jews sovereignty over the entire Holy Land, including the West Bank.

"It is important to say that this land is ours, all of it is ours. We didn?t come here to apologise for this," she said.

"She also quoted a mediaeval Jewish bible scholar's treatise on the story of creation in the book of Genesis.

"A participant at the event told AFP some diplomats were shocked to hear such a senior official lay down scriptural writings as guidelines for Israeli foreign policy. News Link

Thursday 21 May 2015

Walker promises pre-emptive strikes to prevent attacks on US

"As a governor, Walker has no access to intelligence briefings like those available to President Barack Obama and certain congressional leaders.

"Still, Walker said, "It's not if another attempt is made on American soil, it is when." He said he'd "take the fight to them before they take the fight to us" and that struggle would be protracted." News Link

Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Press Edits Out Female Lawmakers

"TEL AVIV — Israel's newly appointed government features no female lawmakers — or rather that's what photographs in the country's ultra-Orthodox press would have you believe.

"The new cabinet of 23 ministers, headed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, does in fact contain three women." News Link

Lieberman blasts Netanyahu for talks with Arab List

Israel's former foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman on Thursday urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to cancel talks with the head of parliament's Arab parties, accusing him of granting legitimacy to "terror supporters".

"Ayman Odeh heads the Joint List, which groups the main Arab parties in the Knesset and won 13 seats in the March elections, becoming the third largest grouping in parliament.

"Lieberman also voiced support for Netanyahu's election day remarks in which he said Arabs were voting "in droves" saying he was right to warn about it because they were being encouraged to do so by "elements hostile to Israel, first and foremost the Palestinian Authority." News Link

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Israel advances plan to develop Western Wall holy site

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new Cabinet has approved a plan for development at the Western Wall, a key Jewish holy site next to Jerusalem's most combustible area." News Link

Netanyahu retains final say on Palestinian peace portfolio

"On Monday, Netanyahu announced he had charged Shalom, a veteran member of his rightwing Likud party, with conducting peace talks with the Palestinians.

"The head of leftwing opposition party Meretz on Tuesday slammed Shalom's "empty" position.

"This is a sad joke," said Zehava Galon, noting past remarks Shalom had made against a Palestinian state." News Link

Sunday 17 May 2015

Clashes as Israel marks 1967 east Jerusalem capture

"Known as Jerusalem Day, the anniversary marks the seizure in the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexation of mainly Arab east Jerusalem in a move never recognised by the international community." News Link

Saturday 16 May 2015

Pope calls Palestinian leader "angel of peace" during visit

"Vatican City (AFP) - Pope Francis met Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on Saturday, calling him "an angel of peace," days after the Vatican said it was preparing to sign its first accord with Palestine to the anger of Israel.

"Israel heard with disappointment the decision of the Holy See to agree a final formulation of an agreement with the Palestinians including the use of the term 'Palestinian State'," said an Israeli foreign ministry official.

"Such a development does not further the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct bilateral negotiations. Israel will study the agreement and consider its next step." News Link

Thursday 14 May 2015

Israeli demolition plan for Bedouin village sparks outcry

"After years of legal battles, Israel's Supreme Court last week cleared the way for the government to uproot the nearly 60-year-old Bedouin Arab village of Umm al-Hiran, a dusty hill of ramshackle dwellings without proper electricity or water hookups, and in its place build "Hiran," a new community seemingly catering to Jews that is expected to feature a hotel and country club." News Link

Israel's Netanyahu finalises cabinet lineup for vote

"After two months of coalition horsetrading, Thursday's session was delayed for another two hours to give Netanyahu more time to placate senior members of his party who were dissatisfied by the portfolios they received.

"We will safeguard our security and strive for peace," Netanyahu said in a speech that was interrupted by loud laughter from the opposition and heckling from Arab Israeli lawmakers, three of whom were ejected." News Link

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Netanyahu denounces 'resurgent' anti-Semitism

"Today there is no doubt that we are living in an age of resurgent anti-Semitism," Netanyahu said at the opening of the fifth Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism.

"Jews everywhere are once again being slandered and vilified," he said." News Link

Israel's anti-boycott law to 'muzzle' Palestinians

"Ramallah, occupied West Bank - Last month, Israel's Supreme Court upheld a 2011 law that would penalise those who publicly advocate for boycotting the country and its illegal settlements in the West Bank and Golan Heights. News Link

Friday 8 May 2015

Israel to vote on enlarged cabinet before new govt

"Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel's parliament is to vote next week on enlarging the cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party said on Friday, reportedly to satisfy senior party members demanding portfolios." News Link

Thursday 7 May 2015

A look at key figures in Israel's new government

"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli prime minister's new coalition government is dominated by nationalists and religious parties, setting Israel on a collision course with the international community on multiple fronts. The success of that government rests largely on the key players involved." News Link

Monday 4 May 2015

Ethiopian protests draw attention to racism in Israel

"In the 1990s, Israeli officials confirmed that blood donated by Ethiopian Israelis had been thrown away out of fear that it could be infected by HIV and other diseases.

"Racism in Israeli society is "far more commonplace and far more toxic than we dare tell ourselves," leading political commentator Nahum Barnea wrote in Yediot Ahronoth on Monday.

"Hatred of the other, or of anyone perceived as being the other, is not only deeply rooted here, but it also receives encouragement from politicians on the eve of elections." News Link